Poem - Sweet Sensations

Lollipops, gum drops and sweets fill my mind
Sliding down candy cane slides and riding waves of chocolate
Sunbursts light my way down a path of peeps

Sweettarts bouncing in my pocket with every step
Chocolate covered raisins fall from the skys
I lay content in my sugar induced coma

Sour patch kids holding my arms and legs in place
They soon let me go
Because they are both sour and sweet

Jellybelly concoctions swirl in my mind with the endless possibilities of creation
Buttered Popcorn, blueberry muffin, chocolate roast coffee
All from a little bean its amazing

Alexander the grape waging a grapelicious war for my taste buds
Johnny Apple Treats fighting to win my attention as well
Oh no Mr Melon, is about to jump into the fray as well

Its okay I swear
I can love you all
My special treats, sweet , sour and all together wonderful