Poem - Onlooker

I am an onlooker staring at the object of my desire
Only a few feet from me
But still hopelessly out of reach

Wanting to reach out and grab it
Standing on my tip toes straining
Almost grabbing it but still just barely out of reach

Getting closer and closer with each lunge
Moving farther and farther away each time from me
Frustration sets in like an alarm that never stops

Tears run down my face as sorrow takes over for my imminent loss
Seeing my desire slipping into the arms of another right in front of me
Knowing that all hope is LOST

Wanting to fight for what I want but realizing its too late
I decide to turn around and go the other way knowing that there are other more beautiful objects that will fill my cup of desire even FULLER
I head off with the sun shining and the wind at my back