Poem - The Concert

A mass of people all waiting for the show to begin
The excitement of what is about to happen
The crowd feeds on the energy like ants on a fallen popsicle

Air thick with a myriad of smells
The smell of bodies coming together mixed with the cigarette smoke and incense
Your perfume overpowers me as you are close by drowning out all other smells

Your hand in mine as we wade through the crowd of people
We are in the corner of the room and have a good view
The show is about to start and the crowd presses us together

Our hips collide and you pull me in front of you
You wrap your hands around my tummy pulling me int you
I can feel your heat pounding and your breath on the back of my neck

You rest your chin on my shoulder as you kiss me
I love the feeling of your lips on my skin as the music starts
Your lips brush my ear and my smile widens on my lips

The music pulses through our bodies as you run your fingers along my waist
Dipping your fingers down inside rubbing against my tummy
Your lips sucking in time with the beat against my neck

My heart beats thump thump thump to the bass of the guitar
The lights send sparkles off of my eyelids and I begin to see stars
You hold me up tight against your body

We are at one and I feel so at peace with you
I want you to slide your hand into my pants right there
Its dark enough and no one will see us

You make my body so hot and wet
A bead of sweat runs down my brow and down my chest into my tank top
I need you and crave your touch against my skin

You suck my skin into your mouth and I moan your name
No one can hear me over the sound of the music
I moan your name oh babe god dont stop

I am in bliss with you
I am in bliss with life
Our life is full of more emotion and feeling than any concert could ever be