Poem - Breaking Thru The Waves

Swimming up stream against the currents
Fighting my hardest to stay afloat
The icy waters churning around me

A vortex swirling trying to suck me under
I swim faster not giving up
My muscles ache and bones shaking

Pushing myself to exhaustion
My breaths escaping my lungs in long gasps
Water seeping into the corners of my mouth

Spitting it out as quick as it comes in
I have to breathe thru my nose to even survive
Life is one big wave of crashing down upon me

I can make it through the wave
The undertow tosses me this way and that
I fight my way to see which end is up

I am not giving up on myself
Not going to let the current take me away to the depths of the abyss
I swim with all my might and can see the light shining through the ocean

My head breaks through
I take a deep breath of fresh air
My lungs sting from the saltwater

The sun beats down on my face
I feel the warmth of it drying my skin as I climb out onto the beach
I lay there breathing and relaxing not wanting to get up

Soon I get up to trudge forward
Moving upwards and onwards
A smile crosses my face, I have made it I am in one piece