Poem - Neverending Love

Feeling so alone in my my own skin
Thoughts of love and hope are within my grasp
I stretch to reach for you but I feel you are lost to me for good

Without you in my life I feel a cavernous pit has been gouged into my soul
One that can never be filled without you or your love
I can try to fill it with the lust of others but nothing completes me like you

You have captured my imagination like the grandest dream one could dream
A dream of hope that makes your life feel full of joy
Before you were in my life I was a dried up leaf blowing along in the wind

I had no direction or focus not knowing which way is up or down
You inspired me to be a better person to care for myself and others again
Lost without you in my life I begin to drift again here and there

I am broken and damaged goods
Wishing that you would pick me up and dust me off
And see the joy that I can bring to your life